At the German Access Developers Conference on Oct 19+20 in Nuremberg, Germany, attendees will be served bratwurst with sauerkraut, revolutionary tools for the first time, mandatory knowledge and some survival training:
• AI Add-ins - Here Come the Assistants (Alexander Denz)
incl. world premiere: Access add-in makes your knowledge available AI-processed
• twinBASIC, tBA and Access (Juanjo Luna)
incl. world premiere: an early version of twinBASIC for Applications (tBA)
• News from the Access Team (Microsoft)
direct line to Redmond for news, plans and Q&A
• Access Update (Karl Donaubauer)
from the developer and community perspective
• Your own Copilot: From the idea to market maturity (Björn Fox)
field report and learnings from a company that really did it
• vbaX Invoice - The eInvoice in VBA (Thomas Braun)
EU-wide mandatory electronic invoice with Access/VBA
• GDPR, BDSG, NIS, MfG - Yours sincerely (Bernd Jungbluth)
data protection laws and standards with Access and SQL Server
• 50 Shades of Access (Lorenz Hölscher)
50 tip highlights in 90 minutes
• Update, update - the company stands still (Peter Döring, Karl Donaubauer)
comprehensive medical support to survive update bugs
After the Corona years, it has not become any easier to fill an on-site Access conference.
We currently have 80 registrations and will try hard to sell out again with >100 like last year.
Irreplaceable advantage of an in-person conference: exchange throughout the day, at breakfast, coffee breaks, lunch, dinner, Saturday evening reception, hotel bar at midnight... experiences and information are exchanged, jobs brokered, collaborations established (and all this in German ;-).