Since 2022, Microsoft's Access team has been publishing a list of Access fixes on its blog (almost) every month. To make this information more visible and searchable, we are collecting the full list for 2025 here and link to the Microsoft posts where you can find more description. Previous lists: 2024 (43 items), 2023 (88 items), 2022 (54 items)
Version 2502
Error when saving query after applying a filter in datasheet view
Copying a query from one database does not transfer comments
Form_MouseWheel event not reporting correct count
Some number filter menus not correctly named
Cannot use VBA code to set some new Modern Chart properties
Verson 2501
Ctrl+W doesn’t close the query window when using Monaco SQL Editor
SQL not saved correctly when using Monaco to edit control properties
Access terminates unexpectedly when setting “Option to enable Monaco SQL Editor” using Application.SetOption
When saving a query with a syntax error using the Monaco editor, the error message might be incorrect
File Open dialog doesn’t remember database location when saving backup
Series sorting does not work in Modern Chart if series display name has been changed