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Windows Generic/Text Only Printer Driver Fails for Access Reports

Updated: 5 hours ago


Windows updates KB5039211 (Windows 10) and KB5039212 (Windows 11) appear to cause the Windows Generic Text/Only driver to fail.

Reports using the generic driver are blank while being prepared in Print Preview, and then fail with an overflow memory error like this:

"There isn't enough free memory to update the display. Close unneeded programs and try again."

Typical discussions of the problem are here.

The problem is the printer driver, not the physical printer. It occurs with different physical printers, including an Epson dot matrix printer and a Zebra label printer when used with the Windows Generic Text/Only driver.


The Access team is aware of the Windows update problem and has indicated they will investigate further.


Rolling back KB5039211 or KB5039212 fixes the problem for users who have reported doing so in the forums. Private communication from another Access developer, also confirms uninstalling KB5039212 fixes the problem for her client.

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